Printing and instructing in Brisbane, Aus.
BWCA - Lake Alton
Moving: IL -> WI
IL: Commissioned wedding bread on George Barreca platters.
Thanks to the good Morgan Price for this little gem..
Studying photogravure at Manneken Press.
Printmaking is a big small family.
Chicago and then some.
MFA Exhibition "We Could Linger"
WI - Trailside deer beds..
The next litho roller to be reconditioned....
...done and done. Welcoming Franny Glass back to society.
Mixing greys in Normal Editions Workshop for an intriguing collaboration with Academy Records...
...used to make simulated graphite in the four-run litho.
Working with Lorraine Shemesh in NEW.
Reception for ISU's group show at Front Room Gallery of Brooklyn, NY.
See? They get it! Listen up!
Cafe Knife, Brooklyn.
Neue Galerie
Lorraine Shemesh kindly welcomed we printy folk to her studio!
Many thanks to the good Naomi Asselin for hosting and leading me about-
Studio of Lorraine Shemesh
International Print Center, NY
Making ready - Rafter/Bulwark
Keep the home fires burning.
Rafter/Bulwark in the ISU MFA Biennial
Examining the plate for Olivia Valentine's print "Goose Island" in NEW.
Drawing compliments of Finn Higgins.
Krannert Museum Resource Center
Greece in a box for Brisbane
"While Here" exhibition at Impress Printmakers' Co-op and Galery
Instructing Monoprint Lithography at Impress
Woodford Folk Festival
Woodford's "Post Office" let strangers send mail to people they thought they would write to but didn't know. This letter found just the right recipient.
Preparing to teach a workshop on monotype-printing lithographs...
Wisconsin likes to get a head start.
A good raft and a good roller will keep you afloat.
Many thanks to the good Morgan Price for acquiring this copy of the book!
MAPC Detroit
Tempt me, and I will pun.
Beekeep, Greece
Copper Working
A selection of recent works from the SkopArt Residency..
Photo courtesy of Claudia Husband.
July at the Skopelos Foundation for the Arts; two weeks residency in printmaking with Claudia Husband.
Editioning Judy Glantzman's"Searching for Earth, Wind, and Fire"
May, ISU
Working on "Suffer the Sun".
As should be.
June, WI
New travelling sketchbook underway..
Garlic scapes in season.
The whole lot gathered.